High precision CNC Universal Grinding Machine with table movement, for aircraft components
AZ RU universal grinding machines are high performance machines designed for customers who have to work with high precision tolerances. Constructive features are projected to ensure maximum machine stability during all the process phases. Thanks to a wide combination of wheelhead spindles, different types of machining can be integrated in a single clamping: external, internal, shoulder, face and taper grinding. The grinding process is constantly monitored thanks to high-level and last-generation measurement and controls systems. The RU machines range meets the requests of a wide range of industries: aerospace, railways, automotive, energy, precision mechanical components.
- Designed for OD and ID grinding: table moves on Z axis, wheelhead moves on X axis and B axis, 1 spindle for external grinding+1 spindle for internal grinding
- base made of cast iron
- measurement system: 2 in-process diameter control with 2 points measurement, hydrophone for wheel-workpiece contact control,
- modular multi-function system for grinding process control, CNC Siemens control system
- AZ grinding process monitoring system-dome camera and monitor